My Q&A with the Lifestyle & Travel Blog: Rove Journal
What’s your story? What are the tools of your trade? How do you rove? Those are just some of the intriguing and eye opening questions Rove Journal, the beautiful new and highly inspiring lifestyle and travel blog, are seeking to discover. They cover wide-ranging, yet interrelated topics, such as: art, photography, spirituality, and music, with a broader focus on travel.
What is rove you ask? defines it as:
Rove: /rov/ • a journey, especially one with no specific destination; an act of wandering.
As I currently roam and wander around South America, Diana from Rove Journal caught up with me to find out how my own journey was shaping up and to get some insight to my roving thoughts, motivations and experiences. It was a ton of fun speaking with Diana and answering some deep and unique questions, with some light hearted ones as well (especially the last question, which is my favorite).
You can check out the article here. Also, be sure to keep up on all the great posts, interviews, and pictures from Rove Journal. And feel free to leave a quick comment or emoji, because who doesn’t like a tiny smiley face or yellow thumbs up!